The Eden Table – Prototype

Hey again! I recently finished my first year at the Colorado School of Mines. I'm excited to share my Design 1 semester-long project, the Eden Table. Since this was a collaborative effort with a group of other awesome engineers at Mines, I published the video on my personal account. However,…

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Copying Internal Geometry with Subtraction Bodies

Oh hey there! In this guide, I'll show you how to use "subtraction bodies" to reproduce geometry from one part in the context of another. Essentially, they allow you to copy and paste geometry from one model to another. Depending on how you choose to use them, subtraction bodies could…

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Werder XL1 Alpha 01 Design Log 01

Oh hey there! For the past year and a half, I've been sporadically working on a RepRap design with a few tricks up its sleeve. I've been eager to share it for quite a while. The printer is a leadscrew-driven, large-format, highly modular CNC platform developed for use in multiple…

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Tricking My Printer to Print Perfect Overhangs

Oh hey there! It's been a while since I've delved into any technical 3D modeling projects. I thought I'd change that today by talking a bit about one of the most crucial parts of modeling for 3D printing: overhangs. Layer-based 3D printing consistently beats other manufacturing processes in its ability…

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Amador Valley Shirt Redesign

Hey there! A few weeks ago, the 2019-20 school year kicked off at my high school. Of course, a new year brings in tons of new merchandise. Traditionally, each class gets their own shirt designed by our student leadership program. Unfortunately for the Amador Valley senior class of 2020, our…

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Some New Stuff!

Hey there! While I'm working on a few exciting new projects, I thought I would make a few more models available for purchase on my shop as well as on my Thingiverse page. Most of these models are from a few years back, but there are a couple of new…

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Desert Doodles in VR!

Hey there! Since I'm bogged down with schoolwork for now, and new projects are probably on hold until the summer, I thought I'd keep this "retrospective" series going. Last time, I showed off one of my first puzzle projects, Puzzle X. This time, I want to look back at my…

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Puzzle X

Hey there! I thought I'd do a retrospective post on a project I really enjoyed working on late last year. The mysterious Puzzle X! This little desk toy is a frustrating puzzle with a seemingly easy end goal: get the ring off! It's certainly not as easy as it looks.…

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